Mad Maxine Low IQ? Is that you posting this?
Said the Vile Angry profane Repuli-cunt!
Here is something for you prick!
FUCK YOU!!!! and that pig you rode in on!.
Another in a long line of intelligent posts from the turd who rose from the dead. You'll be a more effective turd if you lose the flies..
Bernie Sanders Medicare for All plan will save Americans 2 TRILLION dollars while insuring every single American.*
*The Koch-funded Mercatus study.
They Lost Tens Of Thousands Of Subscriptions in one day and the stock price dropped likely a rock. The media in the country is so out of touch and clueless I'm surprised they aren't losing MORE MONEY! Americans have had way too much of the half white ....
Trump and Muller are on the same team, wake up! Q.
You Hitlery supporters know it's true....................................................................................................
Are You Familiar With The Main News Anchor, David Muir ?.
Said the Vile Angry profane Repuli-cunt!
Here is something for you prick!
FUCK YOU!!!! and that pig you rode in on!.
Do it for America . Jump for Trump . God Bless America . Love it or leave it ..
GOD BLESS SARAH SANDERS! ACOSTA, YOU ARE A WASHED -UP , POINTLESS, WORTHLESS, AND BIASED "SO-CALLED" journalist. ! BETTER apply to anti-fa, la, la, la, , la, la,, la.
cnn, DAILY "DOCTORED" NEWS and always nega ....
For almost two years now, Trumpets have been hollering at libtards "Hillary lost - get over it!"
If the Democrats take the house, it's entirely possible they'll vote to impeach. The trial would be in the Senate; undoubtedly, it would be televised. I ....
Obama's not HALF as bad as President Putin.
Maybe you would sleep better at night, when you have a good paying JOB to go to every morning.
Donald says ....
are signing up for his non-existent association healthcare plans! It's a Festivus miracle!.
Well hell yeah America has woken up! You now know that it is Conservative policies that incentivize businesses to hire more new workers. I have been telling you this for 10 years. Obama was (and is) an idiot, but he is black and the Libstains just HA ....
There were 55M plus people on Medicare as of 2015.
If you think covering all 325M people in the USA will cost less, you must be a Democrat.
Oh, yes, and you can keep your doctor as well.
I think we've covered these lies already.
This will be flag ....
Crazy Bernie- He`s one crazy dude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
Today's "Who is Q ANON" is yesterday's "What's that AWFUL smell"?.
How can we expect democrat congressmen and senators to make good decisions for our country when they wake up each morning confused about which gender they will be that day..
Only the dumbest man on earth could make Lebron James look smart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
When will the protesting begin for another black man ( Thurman Blevins ) shot by Police. It's not a black vs. white thing. If a man black or white doesn't respond to Police direction and turns to the Police with gun in hand he has already sealed his ....
Real News For a Free People
Your will find out Q in time Don't get your panties in a wad in the meantime keep you eyes peeled to FNN.
You are one clueless useful idiot..
I am wondering when this criminal organization - Wells Fargo bank - will stop their cynical lies.
Wells Fargo bank, who INTENTIONALLY foreclosed millions of Americans, recently claimed that their "accidentally foreclosed 400 people due to computer g ....